This decision is for the protection of students, faculty and staff as well as to support statewide and nationwide efforts to slow the spread of the virus. Digital Learning Resources are available on the system webpage for parents and students. Additional resources for students will continue to be listed and updated on the school and teacher webpages and Facebook through the end of the school year. Questions about a student's assignments or lessons can be directed to his/her teacher(s). Email addresses are located within the staff directory or within the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Additionally, all athletic practices and competitions are canceled per the advice of Georgia High School Association. Field trips, employee travel, and after-school programs and activities are suspended.
Thomson High School will continue as a “Grab-n-Go” meal site until further notice. The sites will be open for breakfast 7:45 -8:45 a.m. Lunch will be available from 11:15 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. The sites will be open Monday-Friday. Any changes to the schedule will be announced on the system website and Facebook.