Graduation for the Class of 2018 will be held Friday, May 25, at 8 p.m. Because the graduation ceremony is a dignified celebration of accomplishment for all students, we remind all candidates for graduation and their guests that in respect to all members of the Class of 2018, spectators and graduates are asked to observe the following rules of decorum: 1. NO noise-making devices (whistles, air horns, cow bells, bull horns, etc.) inside the graduation ceremony as this is discourteous to the graduates who have worked so diligently for this recognition. Each parent deserves to hear his/her child’s name called. 2. NO balloons inside the graduation ceremony as they block the view of others. 3. Refrain from inappropriate or loud outbursts as this is discourteous to graduates. 4. Graduates are reminded to conduct themselves in a dignified manner, including the manner in which they walk across the stage and then return to seats. Small umbrellas will be permitted.