As part of Mrs. Wyatt's Business & Technology class, students recently created business plans for a small business they would like to open. They were required to keep it simple and small with handmade/homemade products. As part of the project, students were required to conduct market research, survey classmates, make price comparisons, and create a shopping list for raw materials. The class then took a field trip to Wal-Mart in Thomson to purchase raw materials. The next steps were to make the products, market them with flyers and posters, and finally set up their pop-up shop during fourth period Wednesday, Dec. 12. Customers were other THS students currently enrolled in CTAE courses during fourth period, who earned Bulldog Bucks from their teachers for being on time, present for class each day, participating in class discussions, generating new and improved ideas in class, demonstrating their oral and written communication skills, and working well with their peers. These were incorporated using the employability standards in CTAE courses. Congratulations to the businesses with the highest profit:
1st place SHEER with a profit of $121 Bulldog Bucks; 2nd Place Holiday Goods; and 3rd Place Javier's Hot Chocolate.
1st place SHEER with a profit of $121 Bulldog Bucks; 2nd Place Holiday Goods; and 3rd Place Javier's Hot Chocolate.