Goals are to teach the students and respect each of my students in my classroom because if they feel respected it would be easier to teach them. When students feel respected they get comfortable and they then feel a part of the class and will work hard to do their best. When students feel comfortable they are not afraid to make mistakes because they understand they will grow from their mistakes. According to data, we all learn better when we make mistakes because it allows us to really focus.
Watching a video from Jo Boaler (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3icoSeGqQtY) she teaches that when you make mistakes you activate your brain and increases learning. When it comes to NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) it is important for students to understand the meaning of math and why we are doing it. We will use a variety of symbolic representations. Use NCTM (https://www.nctm.org/) to get resources to help with instruction during these different times. This resource is so beneficial for me as a teacher.