Welcome to Business & Computer Science!

Parents and Guardians.

Thank you for your help in making this school year a successful one for your student at Thomson High School!  We are looking forward to welcoming your student back to Thomson High School!  

I believe in the old saying "it takes a village" and I am honored that you have entrusted your student in my care this semester at Thomson High School.  I do not take my job lightly as I believe that some of the most influential people in my life were my public education teachers.  I am also a teacher who believes in our public education system and am hopeful that we will soon be able to welcome your students back into our classrooms so that they may continue to thrive and become productive, caring citizens who are prepared to succeed in college, careers, and life!  

I would like to ask each of you to click the "Subscribe" button to the right.  By subscribing to this page, you will receive email updates when I have posted important information directly to my homepage.  Additionally, you may click on the link to the right that corresponds to your student's course and then you can subscribe to that page, as well.  By subscribing to the specific course page, you will receive email updates related to changes or announcements I have posted.

Please use my Remind codes listed on this page to receive updates about our class from me.  You may also use that Remind group to send me messages if you or your student does not understand an assignment or if there is a conflict that I need to be made aware of.  Again, thank you for allowing me to serve your student this school year!  Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need to via Remind, Google Classroom, or email at [email protected].  

Please take a minute to review the syllabus for the class your student is enrolled in and then fill out the Syllabus Receipt Form.  


Mrs. Wyatt's Schedule
1st Period Graduation Coach Duties/Office Hours
2nd Period Graduation Coach Duties/Office Hours
3rd Period Introduction to Business & Technology
4th Period Business & Technology
REMIND CODES:  text the code provided below to 81010 to join Mrs. Wyatt's Remind group for your class.
3rd Period:  
4th Period:  
GOOGLE CLASSROOM CODES:  use the codes listed below to join the Google Classroom online learning platform for your assigned class.  Be sure to join the correct class so that you can submit the correct assignments!  
3rd Period:  ygs4iiw
4th Period:  6tjjytt