Tellis Leslie » Edgenuity


Edgenuity’s courses are designed to provide students with a self-pace learning opportunity that affords them more one on one assistance from the teacher when needed.  The flexibility of these courses allows them to work at their own pace ensuring academic success. When educational technology is combined with strong, skilled teachers, it makes for a classroom where teachers are able to build powerful relationships and direct their attention where students need them most.  I am now able to spend more time communicating, connecting, facilitating, providing feedback, and ultimately helping all of my students learn. 


Please note the following information and procedures for completing your assignments using the Edgenuity platform.
  • Students will be expected to log onto Edgenuity daily to complete their assignments.
  • Students will be expected to contact me (Mr. Leslie) with questions about their lessons, resets, and unlocks. If we are unable to conduct face-to-face instruction, please contact me via phone (706-339-3852 text), email  [email protected] or remind 101.
  • Students are expected to give their best effort daily. Please make the most of the opportunity that has been given to you. I will do all I can to help you experience academic success this school year.
1. Go to the website for Edgenuity 
2. Click on the yellow “Login” button at the top of the page 
3. Go to the blue student login button (left side, middle of page) 
4. Once on the student login page, students will need to enter their username (student email address) and password MCS (six digit student identification number) EX: MCS123456
5. When you log into Edgenuity, please select the class that you will be completing during this semester to begin work.
6. Once you select your class, you will need to begin the next activity for the selected class. This can be done by clicking the “Next Activity” button.

Getting Started with Edgenuity (please click on the link below for more information on navigating Edgenuity.