Student Meal Delivery If you have not registered to have school breakfast and lunch meals delivered for your student, please sign up using the information below.
Parent Notices 2020-2021 By federal mandate, local school systems are required to notify parents regarding certain educational issues. Please read and indicate compliance with this mandate by reviewing the information listed below, signing where indicated, and returning this document to your child’s school. Documents may be sent the first day of school with students or you may leave them in the designated drop box outside of Thomson High School beginning Aug. 10.
School start date postponed The start date for the 20-21 school year has been changed from Aug. 3 to Aug. 17.
Beta Club Members Place at National Convention Thomson High School Beta Club members placed in two competitions held at the virtual National Beta Club Conference Friday, July 17.
Online Learning Notice for 2020-2021 In July 2012, two pieces of legislation were passed in Georgia regarding student access to online learning opportunities. Senate Bill 289 mandated school systems to offer opportunities for students to take online courses, and House Bill 175 established the creation of a clearinghouse for stakeholders to find online courses and course providers in the state of Georgia.
Thomson High School Graduation to be Held July 25 Graduation exercises for Thomson High School will be held Saturday, July 25, at 10 a.m.
Thomson High School Closed for the Remainder of the Year For the safety of our community, students, and staff, the McDuffie County School System will remain closed for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year.
Parent Surveys Parents: Please a few minutes to complete the annual evaluation of our federal programs. Thank you for taking a moment to complete the survey.
Athletic Physicals Scheduled for July 21 Thomson High School athletic physicals will be administered Tuesday, July 21, beginning at 5:30 p.m.