Brittany Dybel » Student Apprenticeships

Student Apprenticeships

Applications are due April 5, 2024

Student Athletic Trainer Description 


Athletic Training can be a very rewarding field.  As a student athletic trainer, you will be part of a team that is responsible for the well-being of the athletes at Thomson High School.  You will learn how to administer first aid, how to apply preventative taping, and how to rehabilitate our student athletes after injury.  Because of this, you will be a very important person not only to the individual athlete, but also to the overall success of our athletic teams.

Student Athletic Trainer Expectations

It is important to note that Athletic Training is not a club; it is a JOB!  You will have responsibilities and be held accountable for them.  You will be an important part of the team!  This is why we must have responsible people to work as student trainers.  The athletes, coaches, and staff Athletic Trainers must be able to count on you to be there when needed. 


SCHOOL:  Your academics are more important than anything else you do at school.  You can bring schoolwork to practice and on bus trips.  It is encouraged to work on homework when there is any down time prior to practices or games.  You will have time for tutoring, re-taking tests, and other measures needed to maintain your grades.  However, you should attempt to schedule these events during non-practice times.  You will be required to let the staff Athletic Trainers know in advance should you need off for school related work.


ELIGIBILITY:  All student trainers are required to maintain GHSA academic eligibility just as all student athletes.


HOLIDAYS:  Just as with the athletes, if your team is practicing during the holidays, we expect you to be on duty as well.  


SUMMER VACATION:  Student trainers for the 2024-2025 year will report to duty on June 3, 2024.  The month of June is optional, and July is required. Please try to plan summer vacations early as preseason start in July.  We utilize the summer seasons to review the Student Athletic Handbook, HIPAA & FERPA Policies, and the Athletic Code of Conduct. I also certify all student trainers in First Aid, Stop the Bleed, CPR and AED use during this time.