Introduction to Class

Class Rules:
Students are to follow the school-wide expectations as outlined in the Agenda Book and the Student Code of Conduct. However, students are reminded that THS is the place to showcase (1) Perseverance, (2) Respect, (3) Integrity, (4) Determination, and (5) Empathy.
As new technologies continue to change the world in which we live, they also provide many new and positive educational benefits for classroom instruction. Incorporating this initiative, students are ONLY allowed to use their devices at the invitation of the teacher. Students participating in BYOT with the express consent of their parents or guardians must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, as well as all Board policies. Personal devices should not be "out" during class.
Suggested Course Materials:
Students must come to each class equipped with a 1 or 1½” 3-ring binder, paper, a folder with pockets/3 prongs, pencils or pens, highlighters, and headphones/earbuds (MUST CONNECT TO THE CHROMEBOOKS). Students will not be allowed to return to their lockers to retrieve homework, assignments, books, notebooks, or other materials once the bell has rung. If an assignment is late, 5 points will be deducted from the student’s score for every calendar day past the due date. After five calendar days past the due date, the assignments will not be accepted.
Retaking Failed Tests:
Students will complete test corrections after school during two tutoring sessions offered Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. Students will have one week from the day the test is returned to turn in corrections and attend the two tutoring sessions. If test corrections are not completed, the failed test grade will remain in PowerSchool. Retesting must be done within two days of turning in the test corrections (retest time will be determined on a case by case basis).Retaking Failed Assignments:
Make-up Work:
Grading System:
- Tests/Projects/Essays = 30%
- Quizzes/Labs = 20%
- Daily/HW = 30%
- Final Exam = 20%
Students and parents/guardians should use PowerSchool to keep track of their grades in this class. If an assignment is missing (no work has been completed), it will be flagged with a missing (orange) and incomplete (blue) code. If an assignment is partially completed, it will be flagged with ONLY an incomplete (blue) code. If you see an assignment listed as EXEMPT (coded with the color purple), this means that the student does not have to complete the assignment.